Stroke that Ego

Guys are so full of contradictions. I recently read a blog written by a young man entitled Bum Joints Is Winning (Click on the link to read the blog.) When i read this i was really confused. Im like hold up..... so a woman who has to much going for herself is scary? To me it kind of sounds like insecurity. then I sat and thought about a conversation I had with a guy who no longer wanted to date black women he said and I quote "Black girls have way to much to say, I don't wanna hear all that shit." I laughed. If I were a man basher, which I'm not, this would be the point were I would go on a rampage about how real men can handle real women with opinions, who speak their mind, who are independent, and let you know how they feel they should be treated; but I'm not. Instead I'm going to agree, WOMEN not just black women talk to much smack. We can never just go with the flow. Men don't like extra shit, but women are all about it the extra. Men are the most insecure of the sexes. They just show their insecurities differently than women do. A man's role in the relationship TRADITIONALLY is to be the provider and protector. But what if the woman he's interested in doesn't NEED to be protected or provided for? That man will then feel like less than a man being with you. Men that truly want to be with you, want to be needed not WANTED; NEEDED. That's how most men are brought up, to be tough, to be able to handle everything. They complain about "saving these hos" but in reality want to find a damsel in distress that he can save from whatever trouble she's in. So what do we strong, independent, confused women do? FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT. like we do a lot of things in life. I'm not saying dumb yourself down... but in a sense..... dumb yourself down. You have to make your man feel like a man. When he feels like one then he'll act like one. Be a woman, be feminine. You can be independent without being dominating. Yes, men like to chase but they don't like to work to hard. Confusing right? I don't get it either. You can't be to easy, but your can't be to hard either.... because they're insecure. You ever wonder why a guy is always with the crazy chick that he claims gets on his last nerve? because he likes the attention. If your out being independent not needing a man fake not caring if he calls you or not he'll be out chatting up some girl that's giving him all the attention. I've figured out that stroking that ego and that penis are to things that are essential in keeping a man happy. You may not like it, but that's how it is. get with it or be at home with your ice cream and Real House Wives.


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