Dating, Talking, and in a Relationship

An older lady I take care of asks me every time I go into work, "Why aint chue married girl?! Your 22 now right? Where's your boyfriend? Why don't you have one?" I couldn't imagine living in her old ass world where if your weren't barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen waiting for your husband to come home by the age of 25 your were an "old maid" I don't even think people my age date to marry anymore. What would you even consider "dating" these days. Its not like the 60's when on Friday night your date would come to your house, ring the doorbell, you all would go to a drive-in and then he would take you home and just based off of that one date you guys were officially "dating" So how do you know when your dating someone in this day and age? At what point from you and another person meeting do you all consider yourselves dating? When does it become more serious than dating? When are you considered "in a relationship"? When its facebook official? (I wouldn't know because the last time I had a boyfriend I didn't even have a college email to get into facebook.) I want to try and understand the different phases in a relationship on "young people terms" just based on what I've seen and experienced, but please I'm no expert. I actually have no clue what I'm talking about so don't take what I'm saying to literal.


This is a person you either just met or have a "flirtationship" with. This is a person you don't talk to often. It never really goes farther than a few text messages, a few @'s or DM's on twitter, or a couple laughs in a class or club your in together. Its usually all harmless you never even know if that person is genuinely interested or they just like to randomly have conversation.


This is someone you talk to more that usual but you still haven't established if you want to date them yet. You have friendly conversations about things you have in common, or you may do homework together or have a lunch or to sometimes when your both trying to kill time in between classes. If your a smoker, you may have a few sessions or pre game together. Its never goes to much farther than that. at this moment is when you decide if you want this person in the friend zone or if your gonna let them go a little farther.


At this point in time you are strictly having having conversations just to see if you all would work out together. Not all people go through the Cool or Friends process. You can meet a person and they already know they want to date you. You go out on dates, have those late night phone/skype/text convos all to see how you and this person would work out.


Now this is were it gets confusing. Some people may ask; "What's the difference between dating and talking?" Dating is innocent, Talking is filled with lust, fornication, and confusion. Talking is like dating and being in a relationship all mixed in together. When you talk to someone, you get all the relationship benefits but none of the relationship responsibilities. This is were people get confused, they think just because they are reaping all the benefits of a relationship that the responsibilities are just expected to follow. WRONG. To fully explain this phase I would need to write a whole other blog. (which I will)


Um, I have no idea what this consists of so.... ask someone with a boyfriend.

Of course there are other things that attach to this. The one night stand, the friends with benifits, the jump-off you just have sex with but, I don't wish to get in to deep with those maybe another time.


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