Getting over a lost lover

As we speak I am getting over a "break-up" (Can it be called a break up if you were never together technically?) Well whatever you want to call it a person i spent almost two years investing time, energy, and money into is gone and its been a tough couple weeks. I'm horrible at "break-ups" because I am a people pleaser. The thought of anyone ever being upset with me crushes my soul. Even though this guy was clearly no good. (i may give you the run down in a later post) I can;t stand the fact that I may or may not have done something for him to not to want to be with me anymore. So how have I been dealing with this? Doing homework and drinking till i cant do anything but cry and pass out. Horrible right? I have found a few healthier less dramatic ways to get over a break-up.

Stay Busy.
Find things to do. Get a hobby. Join a club. Go to the gym. Write. Paint. Do something that keeps you busy and makes you feel accomplished and proud of yourself. You'll be to busy doing whatever your doing to think about it, and once your done you can look at it and be proud. I am a mass comm/TV Radio major and have found myself being totally involved with things in school. putting sets together, writing scripts, filming editing anything to keep my mind off the fact that this boy is gone.

Have a good cry.
I think having one good cry is good. Keeping things bottled in and acting like nothing is wrong can lead to you just having a nervous break down. Let it out. Its okay to be sad.

Be around friends.
Locking yourself in your room with a bottle of tequila listening to Adele is okay at first but after awhile your gonna feel like crap. Be with people who love you and make you happy. get together with your girls and have a movie night or go out to bar and have fun. Being surrounded by happy people will make you happy. Simple as that.

Get yourself together
After your dealings with a person have ended evaluate yourself and the situation. Take time to better yourself and to heal so you won't be as damaged when the next guy comes around. (because there will be another one to come around) Get yourself together. Make sure all your ducks are in a row. Learn to be comfortable alone. And for those extra horny lonely nights, get you a nice toy, but your fingers can do just as well. Trust me ;)

Meet new people.
Easiest way to get over a guy is to get under another one. I not saying go out and hop in the bed with some guy, but get out and meet new people. There are billions of people in the world. Get your ass out the house. Go do some stuff. Shake some hands. Flash some smiles. Bat some eye lashes.

Im sure there are like relationships experts that have 500 more ways to get over these type of situations but this is what I've been doing. and its been working. while I'm not 100 percent over it, Im doing pretty darn good.


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